Monday, August 16, 2010

Uberis Fry

On Saturday I noticed the first few fry had hatched. They are being pretty illusive, so no photos yet. The male is still tending to the bubblenest and looking after the fry. Will get some photos up when I manage to see them for any length of time.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Eggs on the move

I went to have a check on the Uberis and their bubblenest today. It looks as though the male has moved the eggs over night and is now looking after them in his terracotta den.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Uberis Tank

I thought I'd put up a photo of the tank I've got the uberis in. It was kind of thrown together with plants I already had and there wasn't a lot of thought that went into the aquascape. I just wanted to give the fish some cover and a few spots to hide. I'm not fan of the terracotta hideout but thought it might be useful for bubblenesting. The pH is about 7 and water quality is good, changing about 50% of the water a week. I'm adding ketapang extract to darken and soften the water, plus it's apparent ability to enhance fish colour and immunity was a bonus.

45 x 30 x 26cm tank
Up Aqua Underwater Filter containing Seachem Matrix
Schego Optimal Air Pump
Sera 25W Heater
Tom 11W Compact Fluorescent Perch Light

Several types of Echinodorus
Anubias nana and nana "petite"
Anubias bateri "Coffeefolia"
Water Sprite
Hygrophila angustifolia
Cryptocoryne balansae
Narrow leaf Java Fern
Najas marina

Uberis Update

Here are a couple of images of the uberis from this afternoon.

This image is during spawning the male wrapping himself around the female.

The second image is from a bit later on, the bubblenest full of eggs under the piece of driftwood.

90x45x45 Catfish Tank

Here's a couple of images of my latest tank set up. 

The tank and lights were originally ordered with the intention of doing a hi-tech planted tank. By the time I got all the parts for the tank together though I had also purchased a few L-numbers who needed somewhere to do some growing. So they've ended up with the tank and the planted tank has gone on hold for a bit.

Currently there are:

3 x L201
4 x L333
2 x L168
1 x Peppermint Bristlenose
14 x Celestial Pearl Danios
1 x Bolivian Ram


Eheim 2217 Filter
Schego Optimal Air Pump
2 x Aquaray Grobeam 1000 LED Lighting Tiles
Jager Heater

Betta Uberis info

Here's a link to some info on the Betta uberis. They have only recently been described, 2006 I think, they are beautiful fish and it's great that you can keep them in pairs.

Betta Uberis Pair Mating

I recently got hold of a pair of wild caught Betta uberis and have had them in a 45cm tank for about two weeks now. Had a look at them today and they seem to be getting rather friendly. They've been circling under a ledge  on some driftwood for some time now. So will see what happens. I'll post some pictures of them later, the lights are off at the moment and I don't want to interrupt them.